Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

This was the first year in a long time that we waited for such a short period of time! I guess we got to the mall at just exactly the right moment! Anyway, the usual conversations took place. "Kevin, what will you ask Santa for?", "Kayli how about you?", "Amy, what do you want?" "Where should we go out to dinner?", "Wow, look! That's the REAL Santa". You all know what I'm talking about. Do you know, though, that not once in our Chritmasy conversation did anyone mention the incarnation of Jesus- THE Christ! I just wanted a cute picture for my new mantle. I just wanted to see my son's face as he approached this legendary figure and wanted to see the magic. The magic. That is what Christmas has become. What about the real gift? What about the miracle? What about why we really celebrate Christmas. Granted, Christmas is not commanded by the bible. In fact, the celebration of the tradition has pagan roots- not even Christian. Do we even know when Jesus was really born? Apparently, that is not what is important. What IS important is that God made himself human and left his throne to walk among His sinful creation. A PERFECT, HOLY, MIGHTY. RIGHTEOUS God! Jesus, to whom we all sing and adore was born to suffer and die. What a humbling thought! So, I ask myself, "Would I do the same? Would I knowingly step into a situation that I KNEW lead to pain and depair and humiliation?" The answer, most likely I would not. I can't even stand to make a mistake in my checkbook. Do you realize the profound and deep love of our God to allow this to happen? Could you stand by and watch your child be stripped both physically and emotionally. Could you stand by and watch him get beaten, bruised, battered, spat upon, cursed at, whipped, defiled, humiliated, MURDERED for no apparent crime. This is what God did for us sinful, prideful, weak, and fallen children. Remember. Remember.

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