Thursday, March 06, 2008

Amy's 10th Birthday Party

Yes, it is true! Our little Amy has hit double digits! Because her birthday is in the winter, she generally gets the short end of the stick in regards to birthday parties, so for the big 1-0, we gave her one. First, we took 17 girls, mostly 10 & 11, a few 6 or below, to the nail salon to get manicures! Then we headed to Attilio's to have some pizza, cake and ice cream! We sugared them up, and then sent them all home except her cousins, Nicole and Kaitlyn slept over. Meghan was supposed to but had to go home sick. :0( We ate fondu, made door hangers, and watched Hairspray. It was really fun! (Kaitlyn told her mom that we had "fun do")
Happy Birthday, Baby! We love ya!


  1. Your fridge looks like mine...all covered with stuff!! The kids look so grown...I almost cried the other night thinking about mine growing up!!! Love your blog!


  2. Yeah.. check out the cluttered counter, too! LOL. It was a little busy that day! :0)


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